Please Note: This site was created with the sole intent of saving thousands of injured Montanans from frustration, stress, and in ultimately MORE PAIN when dealing with Montana State Fund.

Come to your own conclusions, but you may soon think that Montana State Fund is (and with good reason):
  • Not working in the best interest of injured clients (those receiving workman's compensation).
  • A for profit organization who is only out to meet their bottom line.
  • Employing people who are known to cause more stress and pain to injured clients.
A) Not working in the best interest of injured clients...
Montana State Fund is a business. And like any business, they are looking to make a profit - not provide the best possible medical treatment to their injured clients.

When you are hurt at work, you undoubtedly want the best possible treatment. You want to go see the best doctor who can help you in the best possible way.

However, instead of sending you to the best doctor, Montana State Fund usually picks the cheapest option. Forget even seeing a person with the word Doctor in their title. You will likely end up seeing a cheaper alternative.

B) A for profit organization who is only out to meet their bottom line...
This leads us to our second point:

State Fund is only out to make money - not help people. The reason that they choose the cheapest form of treatment is because they are constantly looking to save money and make money.

QUICK QUESTION: Who should be making these decisions about the best way to treat you?
  • A doctor?
  • Or an insurance company?
If you are a smart person then you would logically choose a doctor to make medical decisions.

If you are looking to cut corners, save a buck, and disregard your health, then choose the second option.

C) Employing people who are known to cause more stress and pain to injured clients...
Have you ever been in pain? Of course you have.

Have you ever been in pain and also had a tremendous amount of stress... It is no secret that stress causes an increase in pain.

So why does Montana State Fund employ people who are known to cause their clients more stress?

Ask around about Montana State Fund. Chances are that you will hear about a few employees who work for the company.

What's strange is that these employees (even though they are well known to cause injured people more stress) are still employed.

Which brings me to another point... If you knew that your employees were causing stress and ultimately more pain to your clients, why would you continue their employment?

How can so many people have experienced so much pain, stress, and frustration with these employees?

And as discomforting as that last question is, we can and do answer it with our previous points about profit.

What can you do about it?
And better yet, how can you put a stop to Montana State Fund's poor business practices?

Take a quick look at who elected the people who oversee operations at Montana State Fund...
A seven-member, Governor-appointed Board of Directors guides operations.

So contact Brian Schweitzer and let him know how Montana State Fund is doing.